Sorry I have not posted in a long time,
this post is all about it.

Okay, this right here, that's my ''really'' face.
This whole week I have been confused.
What day is it, what was I supposed to do, and then I have had swimmer's ear that spread into a fever, blah blah blah, long story.
Well, having the ear infection kept me up all night and I could not do school.
(kind of a good thing)
Plus I have been so busy and i went back and forth about even having a blog

Road trips - we just went to Tennessee a little bit ago, it was my first time going.
I love Tennessee, it's so peaceful. I felt as if I were home, which I basically was.

On our way down there I spotted this bridge that formed an A and my name is Aaron.
I just love this picture.
While we were on our way down there, I asked if we could stop at Starbucks. I was on a coffee withdrawal. Then Marmie turns around, well, I will say no more - just watch for yourself.
She was just kidding

Well knowing how much Marmie and my Mom love Starbucks, we just had to get some.

Then we got back, and back to our normal routines.
Marmie would give the girls their food and water and I would feed the cats.
I love the life I have, and lately I have been thinking about how good I have it.
Most kids don't get to have a Marmie - well my Marmie is my Marmie.
And then my Mom that works everyday, comes home to housework.
And Uncle Glen - he works not just cause he has to, but so Marmie can homeschool me and she does not have to work.
I love, love, love you all, thanks for all you do.

Dun Dun Dun, its the Big Blue Plastic Pool.
We have been wondering what to do with it, should we paint it, grow some plants around it.
We have no idea if you do please let us know.